Thursday, January 19, 2012

Downtown Winter

This is my first downtown winter... the last week has been horribly cold, icy and incredibly windy yesterday. If only every day was -10 degrees C and had no wind, then I'd actually like winter :( Oh, Montreal weather...

But winter is beautiful :) and especially at McGill! School started last week and it's wonderful to be back in a routine. I've been enjoying all of my new classes and excited to go in everyday... minus the treacherous walk to campus from the metro or train station. Arts classes are so different from Science classes. I'm not quite used to it yet. There's an enormous amount of reading and prep. But a lot easier in other ways. I haven't fallen behind too far yet and hope it stays this way! Urgh, I need a netbook. For some reason my Communications professor thinks everyone has a laptop and talks super fast. I can't write as fast as I type! This is gonna be a problem.... Oh, and I promised myself that I'd be incredibly organized this semester. I made monthly calendars with due dates on them as wallpapers! This way, I'd be able to look ahead and not be forced to procrastinate!


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