Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Secret Circle 1x17 Curse Rant


I don't usually feel compelled to rant about TV shows but this episode made me mad.
You have been warned for a girl-y fan rant!

We finally have Cassie and Adam together and now you tear them apart? With a fake curse on top of it? Elixir that only worked on Adam? Really sad :(

Adam doesn't love cassie anymore but Cassie still does. They both remember their love but only Cassie still feels it. Cassie fakes the elixir working on her too.
Great job script writers! (with heavy sarcasm) You just took away Adam from Cassie. He was helping her control her dark magic.. now she's gonna use it and be less inclined to control it now.

I hope Adam was faking the elixir effects too... and they get back together soon (which I doubt).. he promised to not forget her for long. Adam was pretty distant in the morning scene.

BUT I will understand if Cassie and Jake get together even if Cassie loves Adam. It'll be like in the book. How Nick was the one to comfort her when she couldn't be with the one she loves (but with Jake).. so as long as this happens and then Adam realizes he loves Cassie but he can't do anything cause now she's with Jake. I'll be happy to see Adam heartbroken. lol Even if I do ship Cadam... I want to see Adam as hurt as Cassie was in this episode and fight for her.

Thomas Dekker and Britt Robertson are brilliant actors with chemistry. Whoever says that they don't should watch the end of this episode. Britt Robertson's performance was amazing in the morning after scene. She broke down completely the second Thomas Dekker left the scene.

I can't seem to embed or format my post as I like, but here are the scenes...

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