Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hunger Games


I didn't read the books before watching the movie but the trailer and the plot was so appealing that I went to see it. I can't stress enough how I rarely go to the movie to spend $12 for a movie... I usually go on Cheapie Tuesday for half the price or wait til the movie comes out on DVD. But I couldn't wait to go see this! (And we had a gift certificate so that helped too)
I went with my boyfriend to a late morning/early afternoon showing during it's first weekend out. I was hoping that there wouldn't be too any people and luckily all the teens were still asleep at noon.
The movie was AMAZING. Though, I expected alot more action...
I even went out right away to buy the books! I finished them in 2 days and can't get enough of them :) No spoilers or anything, just sharing my enjoyment of the series and the movie.

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