Thursday, March 29, 2012

Hunger Games


I didn't read the books before watching the movie but the trailer and the plot was so appealing that I went to see it. I can't stress enough how I rarely go to the movie to spend $12 for a movie... I usually go on Cheapie Tuesday for half the price or wait til the movie comes out on DVD. But I couldn't wait to go see this! (And we had a gift certificate so that helped too)
I went with my boyfriend to a late morning/early afternoon showing during it's first weekend out. I was hoping that there wouldn't be too any people and luckily all the teens were still asleep at noon.
The movie was AMAZING. Though, I expected alot more action...
I even went out right away to buy the books! I finished them in 2 days and can't get enough of them :) No spoilers or anything, just sharing my enjoyment of the series and the movie.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

2 AM

I was excited when Dream High 2 started airing but it didn't last very long. The first two episodes weren't that great so I didn't continue watching it. Then a new aquaintance was telling me how much she liked it and so I decided to give it another go.. except I skipped to episode 4. The story line was much less slow and now I'm following Dream High 2.

The youngest member in 2AM is one of the male leads. This got me listening to some old favorite 2AM songs :) And it's been on replay ever since!

Their newly released single: I Wonder If You Hurt Like Me

You Wouldn't Answer My Calls (probably the most played of the bunch on my playlist)

Won't Let You Go Even If I Die

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Secret Circle 1x17 Curse Rant


I don't usually feel compelled to rant about TV shows but this episode made me mad.
You have been warned for a girl-y fan rant!

We finally have Cassie and Adam together and now you tear them apart? With a fake curse on top of it? Elixir that only worked on Adam? Really sad :(

Adam doesn't love cassie anymore but Cassie still does. They both remember their love but only Cassie still feels it. Cassie fakes the elixir working on her too.
Great job script writers! (with heavy sarcasm) You just took away Adam from Cassie. He was helping her control her dark magic.. now she's gonna use it and be less inclined to control it now.

I hope Adam was faking the elixir effects too... and they get back together soon (which I doubt).. he promised to not forget her for long. Adam was pretty distant in the morning scene.

BUT I will understand if Cassie and Jake get together even if Cassie loves Adam. It'll be like in the book. How Nick was the one to comfort her when she couldn't be with the one she loves (but with Jake).. so as long as this happens and then Adam realizes he loves Cassie but he can't do anything cause now she's with Jake. I'll be happy to see Adam heartbroken. lol Even if I do ship Cadam... I want to see Adam as hurt as Cassie was in this episode and fight for her.

Thomas Dekker and Britt Robertson are brilliant actors with chemistry. Whoever says that they don't should watch the end of this episode. Britt Robertson's performance was amazing in the morning after scene. She broke down completely the second Thomas Dekker left the scene.

I can't seem to embed or format my post as I like, but here are the scenes...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

ClearlyContacts Glasses Came In!

I don't even know how I stumbled upon this website. I must have accidentally clicked an ad or something when I was leaving my computer or something. I'm glad that I did!

My prescription changed ever so slightly that I didn't need to get a new pair right after my eye exam.
ClearlyContacts was giving away 10,000 FREE eyeglass frames from March 8-11! I had been wanting new glasses for a while now and this was a great time to get them. :P My boyfriend's dad orders his contacts off this site so I knew this site wasn't a scam.

I was contemplating between the Derek Cardigan 7004 and 7003. My boyfriend decided on the 7003 because the middle part above the nose was more "defined"? I agreed with the choice simply because I thought 7004 was too large for my eyes and my nose to handle.

To make it an even nerdier, they have a division, multiplication and equal signs incorporated into the design! How cute! :p


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

American Apparel Nail Polishes

My TeamBuy ticket was about to expire soon so I went to American Apparel last week and picked out some nail polishes. I don't know how I feel about them yet, but Cooney Island (light pink) really doesn't suit my skintone... Rose Bowl comes out brighter on the nails than it is in the bottle. I'm wearing Echo Park (light grey) right now and it's a wearable on me. It suits my neutral nail polish mood as of late. But I think I prefer other brands. The colors in the American Apparel range were either too weird or too ordinary.


Thursday, March 8, 2012


Look what I got in the mail today!
I saw my name on the kitchen table and it turned out to be a little package!


I ordered this a month ago, and it's finally here!


The seller put it in a cute flower patterned envelope. I found it thoughtful that she tried to add a little personal touch to the order :) I got this for a little over $3. The quality isn't the greatest but I expected it :) I just wanted something with the evil eye on it. And I found it with the hamsa and star of david. I find this combination very cute. The bracelet is a little too big for my wrist but I'm gonna find a way to fix it.