Saturday, October 15, 2011

Update - Lots of Ranting

So I've noticed I've been neglecting my blog recently and all I've been posting were updates every once a month or so. I was terribly stressed at the amount of university workload and trying to balance that with my job.

I am a chemistry major at McGill. I thought I could have stuck with it for a year and then switched out to biochemistry or pharmacology. Or rather sucked it up for the next three years and just graduated. But my boyfriend saw the amount of stress and how unhappy I was in my major and really encouraged me to do what I was interested in and not what people expected me to do. I've now decided to switch my major to Linguistics. I was interested in the Linguistics major when I was at the Open House last October but never acted on it. I was unhappy and under constant stress for the last month and a half. I withdrew from a large part of my classes this semester and I also dropped most of my classes in the winter semester and am now trying to register into arts classes.

- RANT -
My entire life, I based my academic decisions on what people expected me to do. I am now letting myself be liberated from them and allowing myself to explore outside the comforting realms of science. I told my mom and stood up against her when she said I should continue in chemistry (and then switching to pharmacology) because it would most probably land me a job easier. I'm pretty pissed off at her. She had never pushed my younger sister to do anything she did not want to do like she did with me. My sister explained to me how my mom knew I was able to push myself to do something I didn't like. Well, not anymore. I want to see her get a university degree. When I told her I was quitting my job and when my dad gave me an option of just working during holidays (winter break, summers..) and I said I didn't feel like it. My mom said that I had to if I wanted to earn my money. No. I am now quitting my job and need you to provide me the money to spend. I grew up with them telling me to not worry about anything financially as long as I got my education. My mom got a little too comfortable with my sister and I paying for our own things. And now she tells me I have to earn it when I want to focus on my studies? Sorry, not happening. You're the one that wants me to get an education. You're paying for my tuition fees and my living costs.

-- JOB RANT -- (You were warned... anger... frustration... more anger... and me jumping from topic to another)
I also recently quit my job. Quitting my job was pretty impulsive but I felt like it was time I got away from it. I'm starting to regret the decision now that I have fewer classes and more free time on my hands. I'll probably hunt for another job. My soon to be ex-manager started changing my availability by herself, assigning me hours when I'm not available, making me feel bad about bringing homework to work and tried to get me to trick me into staying an extra two hours when it was originally a three hour shift. I was really into my job even though I didn't always like it. I felt good when customers were happy and weren't rude. I feel bad calling in and saying I can't make it into work (even if it's not my fault that I got scheduled.) I am no longer going to deal with this new manager's stupidity and telling me that she "understands" that I'm stressed about school TODAY. No... it's not just today, it's the entire next 3 weeks. So I quit from my job. I was next up to be supervisor, everyone else was either new or aren't trustworthy enough or too lazy. I wonder how they will fare when Christmas rolls in. I kinda wish them the worst. Nice co-workers but horrible higher ups. Only one co-manager appreciated us. If the co-manager leaves, I'm sure everyone will too. They're losing all the good workers... just because this new manager wants to be a directeur and starts being anal about everything. Good thing I don't technically need a job.

End of my immature rants...

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