Saturday, September 10, 2011

Downtown Last Week

These pictures are from wayyyy last week when school just started. I'm supposed to be working on a research assignment.. but SciFinder decided to do server maintenance just when I decided to be productive and not procrastinate! I was set on doing some parts on this assignment before I screw myself over doing things last minute :( So, SciFinder server down = break and here I am.

First few days of school was just going over the course outlines and exams dates. I ended up getting out early and had time to prowl around the streets of St. Catherine. My boyfriend, his friend and I went to Chinatown and had Pho Noodles. Didn't take any pictures of our meal... this is practically the only thing my boyfriend wants to eat when we eat out. His friend had to go return to school and we walked back to St Catherine.

I walked ahead and crossed the intersection before both of them did so I decided to take a picture of Place des Art. (You can spot Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) in the corner)

I saw some interesting things on our walk to the train station... we were walking down the street from the Guy-Concordia metro and I spotted this!

I wasn't expecting to see SNSD ads anywhere in Montreal. Our Asian population isn't the largest and I doubt that many people would know who they were. I don't think their ad in Montreal would have a large enough consumer impact to warrant it being here. But I was happy to see it :P How pretty are they!?

Heading closer to the Lucien L'allier station, I saw this spray painted on the sidewalk. It's kinda sad having seen this across the street from a Youth center.

I take the train to school every day and I don't know how I ever lived without it! Montreal's train schedules are horrible and only come during rush hours and then sparsely come every few hours in between. BUT it has air conditioning and the entire ride is smooth. No bumping up and down. No need to hold onto a pole to steady yourself. It runs at a consistent speed and you pretty much always get a seat. How great is that? It's fairly easy to fall asleep or do homework on the train!

I went to Walmart today and got a few things! I already took pictures and maybe get to posting them tomorrow... or next week... we'll see how much homework I can get done..

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