Friday, September 16, 2011

American Apparel Warehouse Sale Montreal 2011

American Apparel is hosting it's warehouse sale again in Montreal!
September 16th-21st.
5430 Ferrier Street
Montreal, QC

I was super excited to go to the sale. Last time I went, about a year or two ago, it was horribly messy and I didn't have the patience to dig through boxes to find things. I ended up buying nothing that time. But I regret it now, at least that sale had good stock. This time around... practically everything had a defect of some sort on it; whether it be a hole, stain, broken zipper, etc. It was a warehouse sale, none of the ads advertised damaged items were to be the majority of the stock.

Needless to say I was very disappointed. I'm not a die-hard American Apparel fan and would never go out of my way to buy damaged clothing just because it was cheap (unless it was honestly a couple dollars.) But for the price I was paying at this sale, I wasn't about to pay the amount for defect items. I would have gladly done it if it was in retail condition.. hence a WAREHOUSE SALE. It was not worth the trip at all. It took me about 40 minutes to get there from school and it was cold!

I had a couple of things I had in mind that I wanted to pick up. I ended up only buying 2 items but it was worth it. The hour long wait was horrid. It was drawing closer and closer to noon and i wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything this time. I made sure to walk around the entire warehouse before leaving.

After watching Miss A's "Good Girl Bad Girl" MV a while back, I've always wanted to get the petticoat slip skirt. It's so puffy and feminine and it flows so nicely when it moves. I originally wanted it in black, like Suzy's, but they only had it in white at the sale. I have too much black clothing and white is the alternative color in my closet usually. I decided I needed the white petticoat just as much as the black one to wear with my more feminine pieces.

So I ended up buying the white reversible petticoat slip skirt for $20 (Originally $82 CAD) and a plain white t-shirt for $8 (Originally $25 CAD.)

I've wanted an American Apparel white v neck tee for quite a while now. But I could never justify paying the $25 for it. Sure, the quality was really good, but I hardly ever buy things not on sale. (American Apparel "sales" aren't what I call deals.) Anyways I was going to get the organic blend in a size small but then realized there were noticeable stains that were quite large on the back of a sleeve, and that it was probably a unisex small and put it down. I found probably the only XS white v neck in decent condition. Mine had a small brown stain near the V neck. But I decided BLEACH will fix this and grabbed this.

I only bought these two items and do not recommend going unless you want to waste your time. I put down so much stuff while waiting in line to pay. I'd wait for the next sale (which hopefully won't carry as much damaged items.) I should have also looked for some bandeau tops, but the mess in the baby/lingerie/sock area was too much for me to handle. I saw girls waiting in line ahead of me contemplating if they should buy dresses or shirts with cuts and defects. $15 for a dress with a hole in it? $20 for a pen marked skirt? $12 for a lace bodysuit with holes in it? No thank you. Not at a warehouse sale.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Downtown Last Week

These pictures are from wayyyy last week when school just started. I'm supposed to be working on a research assignment.. but SciFinder decided to do server maintenance just when I decided to be productive and not procrastinate! I was set on doing some parts on this assignment before I screw myself over doing things last minute :( So, SciFinder server down = break and here I am.

First few days of school was just going over the course outlines and exams dates. I ended up getting out early and had time to prowl around the streets of St. Catherine. My boyfriend, his friend and I went to Chinatown and had Pho Noodles. Didn't take any pictures of our meal... this is practically the only thing my boyfriend wants to eat when we eat out. His friend had to go return to school and we walked back to St Catherine.

I walked ahead and crossed the intersection before both of them did so I decided to take a picture of Place des Art. (You can spot Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) in the corner)

I saw some interesting things on our walk to the train station... we were walking down the street from the Guy-Concordia metro and I spotted this!

I wasn't expecting to see SNSD ads anywhere in Montreal. Our Asian population isn't the largest and I doubt that many people would know who they were. I don't think their ad in Montreal would have a large enough consumer impact to warrant it being here. But I was happy to see it :P How pretty are they!?

Heading closer to the Lucien L'allier station, I saw this spray painted on the sidewalk. It's kinda sad having seen this across the street from a Youth center.

I take the train to school every day and I don't know how I ever lived without it! Montreal's train schedules are horrible and only come during rush hours and then sparsely come every few hours in between. BUT it has air conditioning and the entire ride is smooth. No bumping up and down. No need to hold onto a pole to steady yourself. It runs at a consistent speed and you pretty much always get a seat. How great is that? It's fairly easy to fall asleep or do homework on the train!

I went to Walmart today and got a few things! I already took pictures and maybe get to posting them tomorrow... or next week... we'll see how much homework I can get done..

Saturday, September 3, 2011


As I said I would, I'm posting pictures of McGill that I took before school started. School started September 1st and these pictures are long overdue! I got my wisdom teeth removed a week and a half before school started and couldn't blog at all. I was knocked out from my pain killers, there was no fighting the drowsiness. But I'm back! It might not be for long as my classes are already giving my homework.. eek!

Walk up from the main entrance to McGill. It's a beautiful campus.The Might I add that it's a massive campus also? I still can't find my way to the Rutherford Physics building...
I would not have gotten such a nice picture of this path if I took these after school started. The McGill non-academic staff is on strike and 35,000 students starting school wouldn't have been that nice of an addition to the picture. (I mostly didn't want to look like a creep)

This is the Arts building that you see at the end of the main path in the first picture. Frosh booths were up during the first two days of school at this intersection. I'm not attending Frosh, it's not my thing and I'd much rather sleep at a reasonable hour in my comfy bed. Frosh at McGill isn't as bad as those of other universities. I've heard stories from the Université de Montreal's froshes and I'd just keep away.

Must get off the computer and be productive!