Monday, July 11, 2011

Random Life Update

I'm in at my desk drinking a cup of cappuccino. I've been working alot lately. My 5 hour shift at work yesterday became an 8 hour shift - 9 hour shift if you include the hour I had for lunch. It was incredibly busy, atleast 3 people called in sick and they needed someone so I agreed to stay longer. It wasn't horrible at all, there were only a few rude customers. It was better than I thought it would be. My boyfriend came to visit me during my lunch break. I was happy to see him at work, he doesn't do this very often.

My mom is on a flight to Hong Kong right now. I was supposed to go back this year too but I figured I should work this summer to get spending money for university in the fall. I'll be downtown most of my time and we know how much more frequent I'll come across a store. I'm very jealous of my mom and wish I could have went. I miss Hong Kong. I miss the crowds of people. I miss seeing the busy lives of everyone around me. I miss the fast pace of the city. I'll be definitely going back next year! My entire family is coming along, I'm hoping to go to Taiwan and possibly Korea! I didn't ask my mom to bring anything back... Ill be heading back next year so I'll just have to be patient.

I had already recently rediscovered a band I always had a soft spot for: Stars. They recently came out with a new digital album, The Bedroom Demos. It's not technically a new album, this album releases the songs cut from their "In the Bedroom after the War" album back in 2007. I love their music! This might be my favorite album of all time! Their music is calming and has this mystical feel to it, I really can't describe it well... the lyrics are so captivating... I can't stop listening to them!

Stream the album here. You won't regret it! It's amazing!
Support the artists by buying the digital album here.

Activities for the day would be as follows: Doctor's appointment - McGill Libraries - Downtown shopping!
My boyfriend is astounded by the size and content of their libraries. He's been there twice already and he's not technically a student yet, we start in the fall. He has access to all these books and I haven't seen him this excited over books before.

Every time I walk through the McGill campus my heart just swells up. I'm finally at my dream school... not that it was that out of reach but growing up in Montreal this is THE English university your parents and relatives would have their children to aspire to go to. The campus is breathtaking. You actually see grass downtown! The buildings are beautiful and has me reminiscent to the Old Montreal style. I'm so happy to be finally apart of this community.

I'll insert a photo here later if I can find my camera before I head out!

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