Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Snow in March?

We were just transitioning into spring weather... :(  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Stars - The North Tour

After my first week back to school from March break, I was worn down and not yet adjusted back to school mode. I've been waiting to go to a Stars show since I missed their last one way a few years back. I saw them last year when they were playing at the POP!Montreal festival but it's not the same as paying for your ticket and knowing you're supporting them. I was ecstatic when I heard that they would be performing in Montreal for their new album "The North"!

They will be doing two shows in Brooklyn, Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, each night with a different set list. The Montreal shows were scheduled March 15th and 16th at the recently reopened Virgin Corona Theatre near Lionel Groulx. I went to the first show in Montreal with a friend. Tickets weren't expensive at all! $27 for a live show? Yes, please! We got there before the doors opened at 7 and joined the line. We were hoping to get there early enough to be able to get balcony seats... we were scared that the balcony would be closed off, but luckily it wasn't! 

The theatre was gorgeous! Nothing like the stage at La Tulipe! There was a bar on the balcony level which I was surprised to see, cause usually it's downstairs with the standing area. The girl at the merchandise table was very nice and helpful, I ended up getting a blue tour shirt. AH! 

They opened with "The Theory of Relativity" and soon after came "A Song is a Weapon" throw in some songs I can't remember names of, and in random order "Hold On When You Get Love," " Progress," "Your Ex-Lover Is Dead," "One More Night," "Calendar Girl," "Personal," and pretty much every single song I wanted them to play! They were amazing as always 

I can't wait to see them again!