Saturday, December 4, 2010

Can't Concentrate

I know this is a horrible time to start watching a new TV series and I catch onto watching Chinese dramas pretty late. It's the end of the semester, numerous essays, projects and even final exams start this week! I'm screwing myself over but I can't help myself. My brain is dead already, it's already on winter break mode.I have an essay to write, but I've been watching this drama all day. I'm super excited for the holidays! I haven't had time to go Christmas shopping, but I'm really hoping to go out when my exams are over. Hanging out with friends, walking down streets, finally watch Harry Potter, shopping....I've been confined to my house for too long!

Gong Sum Gai/Gong Xin Ji/Beyond the Realm of Conscience is a 2009 Hong Kong drama, (I told you I was late) starring Charmaine Sheh, Tavia Yeung, Moses Chan, Kevin Cheng, Susanna Kwan and Michelle Yim. The drama primarily revolves around the Inner Palace and the conflicts within to climb up the social ladder of the palace. The costumes and accessories are beautiful. It reminds me of how fond I am of traditional Chinese clothing, I wish I had one of those gowns. Aren't the hairstyles amazing? Makes me want to live in that time period! Did I mention that I absolutely adore Tavia? She is gorgeous!

I better go back to my essay.... whilst watching the drama....

Saturday, November 6, 2010


For those of you who aren't familiar with french,

Cul-de-Sac: Dead end, used in the province of Quebec on road signs

I'm living in the ever so bilingual city of Montreal, studying Sciences because I don't know what I want to do with my life yet. This blog will just be something for me to do when I'm procrastinating.